Episode 37: Jason Reid & TellMyStory.org

Jason Reid knows the pain of losing a child to suicide. His youngest son, Ryan, died by suicide in 2018. Jason has since dedicated his life to preventing other parents from experiencing the devastating loss of a child to suicide. Jason feels like by not being vulnerable with his kids he didn’t invite them to talk to him.

He thinks we need to show kids we are normal and human, that we all have had bad days. Jason founded Tellmystory.org and made a movie by that same name that explores the potential reasons adolescent suicide is on the rise and is available on Amazon Prime . Jason has also developed What I Wish My Parents Knew; this is a school program and a talk back that incorporates local resources. If you are interested in getting What I Wish My Parents Knew at your school, go to https://tellmystory.org/our-programs/for-schools/.

Susie Gurley

Susie Gurley is the founder and host of Just a Mom podcast. Susie's journey to becoming a mental health advocate began after her youngest son's battle with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. She and her husband, Dan have an amazing family, including three children, two daughters-in-law and a son-in-law.


Episode 38: Renee Van Meter & Jessica Murphy: Mental Health Co-Responder Program


Episode 36: Courtney Part 2