Helping families facing mental health struggles feel seen & supported.

Latest Episodes

Susie Gurley, Host of Just a Mom podcast. Credit: SWcreative

"I'm talking to other parents, people with lived experience & experts so that you will know that you are not alone and there is hope. I am not a therapist, counselor or doctor......I’m just a mom."

Susie Gurley | founder, Just a Mom

Credit: SWCreative

This is our story.
We’d love to hear yours.

I am sharing our story because there is not a week that goes by that I am not contacted by someone who has heard my son’s story and has a child struggling as well. This is your invitation to join us on this journey to get better at caring for each other.

We’d love for you to share your story.

“You do not need a degree or be licensed as a therapist to talk to your children.”

Jason R.

“Our kid was sick. Nobody looks at a family of a kid who has cancer and thinks ‘…Boy, I wonder what his mom did wrong…?’”

Dan G.

“There’s this fallacy that if you’re a ‘good parent’ you’re not going to have those struggles.”

Shayla S.

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