Episode 7: Alice

When my mother passed away recently, an acquaintance asked my husband if her name was Alice. That’s because Alice is my surrogate mom. I’ve known, loved, and been loved by Alice for 15 years. Ironically, I met Alice when 4-year-old Will went to her house (next door to ours) when we were moving in because he was bored. I knew some of her story as a mom of a struggling child but I learned a lot more when we sat down to talk about it.

Susie Gurley

Susie Gurley is the founder and host of Just a Mom podcast. Susie's journey to becoming a mental health advocate began after her youngest son's battle with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. She and her husband, Dan have an amazing family, including three children, two daughters-in-law and a son-in-law.


Episode 8: Denise


Episode 6: Kari.